The Holy virgin Saint Mary

virgin-maryThis article is about the holy virgin saint mary.

i have found it, it’s a very blessed article, it will tell you about the holy  virgin saint  Mary.

God bless

The Holy Virgin Saint Mary
by His Grace Bishop Serapion 
This was posted on: Wednesday, August 13, 2003  



During the month of August, we live a period of fasting, bearing the name of the Holy Virgin, the Mother of Light. We celebrate her feast on August 22nd (Mesori 16th). The Fast of Saint Mary, the Feast of the Holy Virgin, and talking about the Mother of the Savior are all beloved subjects to the soul. Even those who are not accustomed to observing all the Church’s fasts, observe Saint Mary’s Fast and may even increase their asceticism during this period. During this fast, the churches, especially the ones bearing the name of the Holy Virgin, are all filled with worshippers during the Divine Liturgies and at the other services, which are held almost daily. They thank God and glorify Him, Who was incarnate of the Holy Virgin, for our salvation, and that He made His mother a mother for all of us. When He was on the cross, what Christ said to Saint John the Beloved, “Behold your mother,” is something that applies to all those who follow in Saint John’s footsteps. Like Saint John the Beloved, we also take the Holy Virgin to dwell in our hearts and become a mother, who cares for us and intercedes on our behalf before her Beloved Son.

The intercession of the Virgin, the Mother of Light, is an expression of her motherhood towards us. When we salute the Ever-Virgin, the one full of glory, the Mother of God, and Mother of Christ, we call her, “the saint, and the faithful intercessor of mankind.” We call her “the trustworthy saint infront of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Our mother the Virgin is the faithful and trustworthy intercessor. With confidence and strong faith, we call unto her saying, “lift up our prayers to your Beloved Son that He may forgive us our sins…Ask the Lord on our behalf to have mercy on our souls… Intercede for infront of Christ.” Our confidence in the intercession of the Holy Virgin, as a faithful and trustworthy intercessor is dependent on two things:

The Honor of the Holy Virgin:virgin-mary-
The Holy Virgin received honor above the Cherubim and Seraphim. When we ask her intercession, we also remember her honor and call her, “the saint, full of glory, the Ever-Virgin, the Mother of Christ, the true Queen, the pride of mankind.” In the Sunday Theotokia, we pray and say:
“You are more worthy than all the saints to ask on our behalf, O, you full of grace.
You are more exalted than the Patriarchs and more honored than the prophets.
Your petition is more special than the Cherubim and Seraphim.
For you truly are the pride of our race and the intercessor of our souls.
Intercede on our behalf before our Savior that He may confirm us in the upright faith, and grant us forgiveness of our sins, so we may win mercy through your intercession.”
Words fail to express the honor and glory of the Virgin, for she has heavenly glory and honor above that of the Cherubim and Seraphim. With reverence, mixed with inner joy, let us recall the words prayed in the Sunday Theotokia:
“All the high names of the incorporeal creatures, the thousands of angels and archangels, don’t reach the greatness of your blessedness, O you, who is surrounded by the glory of the Lord of Hosts.
You are more luminous than the sun and brighter than the Cherubim.
The Seraphim with six wings flutter joyfully around you.”

The glory of the angels and archangels, the radiance of the sun, and brilliance of the Cherubim all dwindle when compared to the glory of the Virgin, “who is surrounded by the glory of the Lord of Hosts.” Therefore, it is no wonder that the Cherubim with six wings flutter joyfully around her.
“Your glory, O Mary, is higher than the heaven and you are honored more than the earth and its inhabitants, for truly you are the true path leading to heaven.”

How can we reach heaven, except through the incarnation of the Only Begotten Son from the Holy Virgin? She is Jacob’s ladder, which joins heaven and earth.

The Virgin Full of Glory is our Mother:
We call her “the pride of humanity”. She was born similar to all of us, and like every human born of a woman, she was in need of salvation from the bondage to sin and death. Thus, in The Magnificat, she said, “And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.” (Luke 1:47) The Virgin Mary, who is surrounded by the glory of the Lord of Hosts, has great glory because of the glory of the Lord of Hosts. It is this glory, which gives her boldness more than the Cherubim and Seraphim, for she is the Queen sitting at the right Hand of the Kings of kings and Lord of lords.

The glorious Holy Virgin, who has this great boldness infront of the Lord of Hosts, knows our sufferings, pains, and needs, because she is our mother and member of our human race. This great boldness, along with her true and deep knowledge of the needs of the human race, makes the Virgin the faithful and trustworthy intercessor of mankind infront of our Creator, Lord, Savior, and King, Jesus Christ.

The Virgin, the Mother of Light, intercedes for us infornt of her Beloved Son to bestow upon us the forgiveness of our sins. She intercedes that He may show mercy towards us and confirm us in the upright faith.

Our Mother, the Virgin, the faithful advocate and trustworthy intercessor asks for our worldly needs. At the Wedding at Cana of Galilee, she asked her Son on behalf of the party-givers and told Him, “They have no wine.” (John 2:3) The intercession of the Virgin is wholesome for she asks for our spiritual, as well as our material needs.

Many souls, like Saint Mary of Egypt, were attracted to the life of holiness and righteousness through the intercession of the Virgin. Many, who were ill, needy, suffering, or imprisoned, were saved by her intercession. We recall that at the miracle of moving the Mountain of El-Mokatam, her intercession saved the Copts from annihilation during the days of the Fatimid caliph, Al-Moizz Ledean Allah. We also remember the many miracles that accompanied her apparition at the domes of her church in Zeitoun, Egypt.

On a daily basis, we feel the powerful intercession of the Virgin in our lives, in our pastoral ministry, and in serving the needy and suffering. Indeed, those who deny the intercession of the Virgin are poor souls, who deprive themselves of her motherhood.

As for us, the unworthy, we rejoice because of our Mother and joyfully say, “You are more worthy than all the saints to ask for us, O you, who is full of grace.”

O, Virgin Mary, Mother of God, the faithful intercessor of the human race, intercede for us infront of Christ, Whom you have born, that He may bestow upon us the forgiveness of our sins.
Lift up our prayers to your Beloved Son.
Ask the Lord to show mercy towards our souls.
Intercede for us infront of our Savior that He may confirm us in the upright faith.
Intercede for every sinner that he may repent and return to God.
Intercede for every needy and suffering person that God may fulfill his or her needs.
Intercede for every soul walking in darkness that he may see the True Light, Whom you gave birth to, and believe in Him.
Intercede for the whole world.

May the intercessions of the Holy Virgin be with us all and may we always be blessed by the care and motherhood of the Mother of Light.            virgin-mary-5


“…behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed. For He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name.” (Lk 1:48-49)


At Mary's Feet

Useful links:

Saint Mary Church  ( The church that witnessed the Apparition of the holy virgin saint mary in 1968 )

The Hail Mary Prayer 

What Role did Saint Mary Play?

The source of the article

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  1. #1 by Terence Sommer on December 30, 2009 - 2:08 am

    I am from St. Paul, MN. I am now a US army soldier stationed in the middle east about to return home. I really enjoyed reading the piece about The Holy St. Virgin Mary.
    I am once again kick starting myself back into being an active and faithful Catholic/Christian. Please help me with your prayers to the Virgin that I may remain steadfast (to stick with it) in my faith. I am a born sinner like us all.
    Good luck with your faith too.

    • #2 by Bemwa on January 3, 2010 - 2:56 am

      You are welcome : ) , I will pray for you , please pray for me too . God bless you. and i love this verse i thought to share it with you. (and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out. ) john 6:37 . sure you are glad to get back to home : ) .
      thanks and you too .

  2. #3 by Derek on March 28, 2010 - 7:53 pm

    I was reading through the article and was curious why Mary is known or referred to as “Holy”? Is she considered sinless?

    Grace and Peace

    • #4 by Bemwa on April 15, 2010 - 5:24 pm

      i believe since God was in her womb for 9 months , isn’t this enough to make her holy ! . She needed salvation too but i believe there are righteous men but sinless men , i don’t think so. For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God (Rom 3:23 KJV) .
      anyways that’s my own opinion , but i guess you should ask a priest in the church sure he will know more than me.
      Peace bro. and thanks for reading the post.
      God bless you.

      • #5 by Derek on April 16, 2010 - 12:12 am

        Hi Bemwa,

        I guess I confused on the defition of “holy” that is deemed for Mary then. When I think of Holy I think of wholly set apart and that in which sin does not dwell nor is capable of sinning. So I think of Jesus Christ, God Himself when I think of Holiness and Him alone. I think there is a difference between a practical righteousness (or blamenessous) and pure holiness which we see only in God’s attributes. Not sure if that makes sense but hopefully it does. This is what I was thinking through when I was reading and basically what is meant by Mary being “holy”.

  3. #6 by edwin leo joseph on April 11, 2010 - 3:40 pm

    good morning

    my name is leo joseph from mumbai thank you for your images of jesus and I need some children prayer pease send me on this mail id

    thank you

  4. #8 by Enrico M. Salvadora on June 15, 2010 - 10:20 am

    I love You All and Thank You,
    I am from Ems BO. Brgy. 1, Legaspi City, a civil engineer ‘stationed here in bicol region, as a catholic believer i think everyone is treated equally by love and care by our loving creature even the son of almighty god who is now our savior jesus christ ,even we have everyday challenges but still,he is there trying to guide us in his utmost love and care because he just wants to prove to us that he is our salvation in our lifes even though i have
    plenty of problems I just call in his name and later on i realized
    i am releave with it in later that’s the time ifaced this challenges

  5. #9 by Bruk on August 9, 2010 - 8:04 pm

    Thank you for sharing. Bible told us Be You Holy, For I Am Holy. This is the reason we call st. Mary Holy. I will wirte more on this. Thanks

    • #10 by Derek on August 16, 2010 - 9:31 pm

      Yes we are called to be Holy as God Himself is Holy…but that doesn’t mean we are. That is why I’m curious why you call Mary holy. If she needed salvation and was sinful how could she be holy?

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