Posts Tagged everyday

Sharing My Burden

From the book God at Eventide ( )

April 4 – Sharing My Burden

Remember the Truth that you are learning, even now, though dimly.

In Eternal Life there are no time-limits. So My sacrifice was for you today, this hour, as truly as ever it was for those who watched Me on Calvary. I am the changeless One. The same yesterday and forever. Sacrificing Myself today, rising today. You then, once you embrace Eternal Life, enter into My Suffering, and help to carry My Cross, as truly today as if you had walked beside Me to Calvary.

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the Hope is gone

feeling no hope, is the worst feeling ever a man can experience, to know that tomorrow nothing good is going to be, no light is going to shine nothing is going to change, not your faith,not your job ,not your love, not your sin, nothing is going to shine, well i experienced this feeling for so long, although i am just 20, but  i have felt this for more  than a year, to believe me ill show you in the next few lines some of my poems i wrote at those times.:


give me a broken wing
to help me hard hit the ground
chain my waist to my load of pain
to fall faster with  no sound,,, this is from a one named dead end


no body cares
no one gives a damn
no body’s fare
no one gives a damn
coz nobody is there

cry alone , sing for the pain
choke alone, dream in vain

where are you my angel do you exist at least

am i a stranger or did i made you leave.

this was from a poem named gates of hell and angels.

the point is ,  many people in this world feeling hopeless, or depressed, it’s a truth and we can not deny it,

but is there a way out? who can ever fix this, will that man continue living in his darkness, in his addiction, in his sin, in his pain?.

to be honest i thought that is what is going to happen to me, that is who i am, i even thought that this is what my life is meant for, this is what i belong to, that’s why i was created.

i had no hope in God, i said that i am a sinner, what would he do with some one like me……..

are you feeling that the hope is gone, all  i can tell you , is that God is the only one who can turn your  dark days into heaven on earth.

I am telling you this because you need it, you need to know that God is hope, you need to know that God is the one who is going to remove your sin, God is the only one who will change your tears into joy, he is the only one who loves you that he died for you, he is the only truth in this world full of  lies, he is the true light ,and he is the true life,

he never leaves, he never forsakes, his love will free you, he is the only one who can free you. my only advice to you, listen to this advice from the one who said no body cares and no body gives a damn. Jesus is the answer,, if you don’t believe me i can show you all my dark thoughts in my poems, i can show you all the despiration and the anger, the pain, the hunger of rest, the sin,the guild, the whole filthy dark load i was carrying on my head, i can show you all of this.

Jesus is the answer, he is welcoming you right now, to give your life to him, all he wants is to show you how much he loves you ,and how much his love can embrace you and feel you safe.

please read the following poem, and remember it’s from me, the same man who said

give me a broken wing
to help me hard hit the ground
chain my waist to my load of pain
to fall faster with  no sound,,,

:::the poem is named welcome home:

it’s not enough, the life i own
it isn’t tough,but i am far away from home

much is given to me, nothing’s pure to satisfy
what can’t i see, what’s missed by my eye

i tried everythin , from the black to the white
even enjoyed my sin, and losing my sight
traveled through the world in my mind
searched for satisfaction i can’t find
& didn’t know , what should be left behind
writing my fears through every night
spending hours thinking of what can give me the might
but even my teares weren’t that bright

tried to reach God , but it never worked
he was the only one who ever supported

as my ways failed,as life stood still
as my world braked,as days got ill
as my words shacked, as truth to fill

Jesus showed me the way , i’m the truth and the light
revealed himself that day, i’m your father , your christ
surrender to me, and i will give you my light
believe when i say , i’m your lord your christ

i will touch you ,i’ll heal all your pain
i will forgive you, no longer you will be the same

accept me , accept my presence in you
love me, & i’ll show you what to do

I’m your savior , the one you were looking for
it’s a shame ,you nevered heared my knock on your door
but you finaly opened, no longer you will be the same as before
you were drowning in a sea, it’s the time to take you to the shore

you were right, satisfaction is only through me
only through my light you can really see
trust me, you will enjoy what life is goint to be
in the valley of the shadow of death i’m holding your hand
in the face of sin’s temptation , now you will stand

stick to me and i’ll give you the heaven on earth
i’m the life and the way, who believes in me will never see the death

you are my son, welcome now home
carved on my hands, welcome your new dawn..


if you feel that God is touching you right now, bow down , tell him, God i want you, i want you to clear all my sins, i believe that you love me, and you died for me, and you rose from the dead for me, i believe that i need you, i need your love, i need your tender, i need your salvation , i need your life.

God is the real hope

psalm 9:18 But the needy will not always be forgotten,  nor the hope of the afflicted ever perish.

please if you want God to relief you from all your pain, if you want your life to change, if you want Jesus to be in your heart, to show you all his good all his love all his rest all his wonders. accept him,go to the nearest church cry to God, tell him i  need you, stick there ,try it , try to taste God, accept it, he loves you and he is opening his arms to you

he can’t wait to tell you I’m your son, today i have become your father ,

psalm 2:7I will proclaim the decree of the LORD :
       He said to me, “You are my Son ;
       today I have begotten you ;

call God, call him , he will not let you down, he loves you ,john 3:16“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

he will guide you he will protect you , he will save you

Jesus loves you whoever you are , he’s telling you” I am the light of the world; he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”  John 8:12

no more darkness in Jesus, no more pain,





Let God embrace you

in psalms 91 :

 14 “Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him;
       I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.

 15 He will call upon me, and I will answer him;
       I will be with him in trouble,
       I will deliver him and honor him.

 16 With long life will I satisfy him
       and show him my salvation.”


trust those great words of God.

all those promises are for you.

remember them.

accept him ,go to a church tell God i want to be saved, they will help you,

jesus said in john 11:25-26 when lazarus died, he was telling his sister the following     25Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; 26and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” ,

we die in sin , but in jesus we will have the life and will never die, if you lost hope, know that you are wrong, God saved me, and he can, he loves and he is willing to save you. God’s will is that all of us accept him as our savior, and no longer live in darkness and sin, but have the light of life.

Jesus came for the sinners, Jesus came for me and  you, he came for the heavy burdened he came for the lost. in matthew 11 : 28“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

he is inviting you , he feels you ,and he experienced pain as much as you did, he is inviting you , go to him, you will find the rest for your soul

whether you are lost he will be your shepherd, whether you are rejected he loves you and will hold you with open arms, if you are sad he will give you a joy that no one can steal, if you are lonely,weary,tired,angry. come to him  you will find rest to your soul

I am the light of the world; he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.  John 8:12

Jesus loves you.

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