Posts Tagged how can i overcome my circumstances

A change that will make the difference

Hi all, this post is about something that i used to be convinced of, and now i figuered out that i was wrong;

hope you like it

I used to thought that to have a life in christ  something has to change, i thought in order that Jesus enters my life ,in order that i have his joy in my life  something has to change.


i thought I should be happy so that Jesus be in my life.

I thought i needed to learn how to love something, so that i can love Jesus, i thought that maybe i have to love a girl , so that my heart learns how to love, i thought that if i will have more friends, my life will get better , if school is changed, my life will get better, even if my guitar playing gets better life will get better, things will get better if i become famous, or my poems gets cooler or so, the point was that , I will be happy so that i can love God, and be agood son of him, and stop commiting sins( i was commiting sins that easily, like i was drinking water).

that was what i thought before Jesus entered my life.

actually Jesus entered my life, I thought that one of the previous things is going to change or something, so that my life fits God,. because i thought I’m still haveing the same problems, the same school,the same friends, the same home, the same guitar, the same sins.

but actually nothing of those things has changed, when Jesus touched me, he changed one thing, only one thing, nothing at all has changed but ME.

Jesus changed Me, not my home,not my school,not the love, not the friends, Nothing,Jesus changed my Heart.

that’s what is needed and that’s the only thing that will bring Jesus into yourlife, all those times i was waiting for something to change, many things changed but it was the same.

I may say that through those 110 days i have been in christ, nothing has changed except me, and when Jesus changed my heart, everything surrounding me  got another meaning an value ,it was from Jesus too.


nothing has changed, not the money, the same school,no  love to a girl, everything’s the same but having different meaning for Jesus changed me.

so if you are waiting for something around you to change so that Jesus enters yourlife, if you think that changing the job,having a better house,getting healthy if you are ill, changing those things will do nothing, because Jesus didn’t change the life of those who loved him , he changed their hearts, and then life Got changed, he changed the heart, the heart now loves him, because if i got a new job, i will like to have a newer one, and so, Don’t limit God with what’s surrounding you like i did, Don’t say that God can’t be in my life because i am lonely, Don’t say that i will free a part of my time to God after i finish school. Don’t be wrong like me, believe that Jesus is more powerful than any circumstances, he said that he knocks on your door every day, ask him to let you hear his knock and when you hear it open it, because Jesus is ready,willing and loving to enter your life today, to be in you today. this is what Jesus siad, believe him when he said “20Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me” (rev 3:20). believe him when he said so

the change in your heart is what will maike teh difference, Jesus freed me from addictions, from anger, from sadness, from disappointment, from being hopeless and saddist, Jesus changed my heart, that what made the difference- (to check the poem i wrote about the moment jesus changed my heart check this–

I am not limiting God in just this way to change you, it’s just what happened to me, and what i guess that it’s what is going to happen to the  people like me .

but God is over any limit.

God bless you brothers and sisters. Jesus loves you all

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