Posts Tagged How do i know that God is real

Feeling God !!

hi there, i guess that many of us wish to feel God’s presence, to have a materialistic touch, some wish it to believe in God, some wish it to face their doubts, some wish it to feel safe, or to  feel that  we are in the right pass , me ,myself maybe have wished all of this , any ways this is the answer from God himself .

from the book God calling


December 28 – Signs and Feelings

[Our Lord, Thou art here. Let us feel Thy nearness.]

I am here. Do not need feeling too much. To ask for feeling too much is to ask for a sign, and then the answer is the same as that I gave when on earth. “There shall no sign be given but the sign of the prophet Jonah. . . . For as Jonah was three days and three nights . . . so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.”

Veiled from sight to the unbeliever. To the believer the veiling is only temporary, to be followed by a glorious Resurrection. . . .

What does it matter what you feel? What matters is what I am, was, and ever shall be to you — A Risen Lord. . . . the feeling that I am with you may depend upon any passing mood of yours — upon a change of circumstances, upon a mere trifle.

I am uninfluenced by circumstances. . . . My Promise given is kept. I am here, one with you in tender loving friendship.

“Thou art near, O Lord; and all thy commandments are truth.” Psalm 119:151


in my opinion, God is removing all the doubts, he is telling us that his existence in our life , in our heart and mind, shouldn’t depend on our feelings, one day you feel God one day you don’t, God is more than that, he is telling us I am here, always here for you, even if you don’t feel it, don’t let something temporary or something that can come and goes decides your faith, just believe it from your heart that I am here , believe me ,even if everything else even your feelings ,thoughts and mind are telling you that I am not here.

—-Jesus is Here with you

God bless : )

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