Posts Tagged my salvation

My Sin

sin , you give me pleasure only for a short time, so what’s the use ?, you separate me from God, i go to you searching for completion , but you just crush me down , you beat me to the ground , it took me a while to figure out that you give me pain, but by then you were my addiction , how evil you are,
you feed on me, and when i want to go away , you still holding me, it’s like i’m tied to a rope, every time i fly, i reach a brink and then fall down again , i hate you ,i will beat you ,God is stronger than you , he’s complete, he wants to share his completeness with me, he wants to untie me, he wants my salvation,he defeated you on the cross, it took me time to figure this out, but it is

never too late , and God is still opening his arms, so go away my sin
i am no longer yours, i am God’s master piece , i will  fight you , and you will lose, and if i fall i will rise up again , because i am not alone, i am in God’s hands , i will not turn my back onto him , i will rise , i will rise , i will rise.

it’s what we are fore , to live with God, to follow him , to live in his salvation, to enjoy all his promises, peace, love, power, and joy, to be his own sons, that’s what we are ment for, God created man as his masterpiece so that man enjoy his presence, but sin take us away , but God defeated sin on the cross, he wants us to enjoy living with him again, so that we are no more sin’s slaves, it’s over, he will give you the power to overcome it, no longer live in the shadows, you have to ask him , to accept him in your life, and he will rise in you and you will rise in him .

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