Posts Tagged pray with

When two agree

Hi there, have you ever thought about the verse in matthew 18:

19″Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. 20For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” …
well taste it’s power ” if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for , it will be done for you by my father in heaven”. and ” for where two or three come together in my name, there am i with them”.
here’s a message from God about it, from the book God calling

November 29 – When Two Agree

If two of you shall agree.

I am the Truth. Every word of Mine is true. Every promise of Mine shall be fulfilled.

First, “gathered together in My Name,” bound by a common loyalty to Me, desires only of doing My Will.

Then, when this is so, I am present too, a self-invited guest, and when I am there and one with you, voicing the same petition, making your demands Mine, then it follows the request is granted.

But what man has failed perhaps to realize is all that lies behind the words. For two to agree about the wisdom of a request, to be certain it should be granted, and will be granted (if it should be), is not the same as two agreeing to pray that request.

Nor forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the
manner of some is; but exhorting one another, and so much the
more, as ye see the day approaching. Hebrews 10:25

all i can say is wow, did you notice the last line?
“For two to agree about the wisdom of a request, to be certain it should be granted, and will be granted (if it should be), is not the same as two agreeing to pray that request.”
God is saying it is not only about granting the request, it’s about that you and someone else agree to pray that request, it’s very beautiful, it’s like a fusion. if you and your loved ones gather together , and agree to pray that rquest, it’s so powerful, even if you are only two, you and your brother or sister, you and your parents, you and your family, you and your friends,even if you are only two
Jesus will be your third, he will be with you, it’s so powerful, take the chance, if you and your brother,friend,mom or dad,husband or wife, your best friend, if you at least are 2 , praying together will have a great impact on your lives, it’s telling jesus , come be in our home, be between us, bless us, bless us both, bless our relationship, bless our lives, it’s true Jesus wants us to have a special relationship with him, every one should have a personal relation ship with jesus, it’s very important,and in addition to this relationship , jesus wants to have a relationship with (you and the ones you love or living with) a relation ship with a unit that is composed of more than one person,
my family consists of my ,my brother and my parents, i only pray as a two with my mom, my brother and father never prayed with us, it makes me sad when i want to pray with my family and it doesn’t happen, imagine if we all pray together agreeing that Jesus be the head of our family, to handle,protect and to reign over our relationships, imagine if we leave our relationships to God , if we ask God to manage them, can you imagine it ? , i believe that if all of my family agree that God plant the seed of love between us, to correct our relationships, to guide us through them, we will be the happiest family on earth, and this home, this house,this appartment in which we live, is going to be a church of God, where Jesus is the head of the church and we are the body of Jesus, imagine that every home is a church of christ, imagine it, even if you are living with friends, it’s going to be the same, have you thouhgt about it before? have you imagined how much our lives is going to change? ,so i am asking you in the name of jesus, if you wanted someday or if you felt someday that you want to pray with anyone you love, please do it, tell that partner that you want to , explain how to him/her how much it is goint to impact the both of you or the three of you or whatever number you are , Jesus will be with you , completing you ,and uniting you, and whatever you will ask for it will be granted ( if it should be) but remember that the more important is that ” two agree to pray the request”. and i beg you to pray that every christian house in all the world be that way, be a church of christ.
God bless you all, and if you have no one to pray with , please tell me, because i have no one to pray with too.
God bless you.

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