Posts Tagged small prayer

Who’s My Mentor ? ?

Some times i find no one to guide or to lead my spiritual life, at church there’s a youth leader, but it’s been a month chruch2since the group was made ,it’s supposed to be once a week, any way for the last month it was canceled each time because the leader is not availble or because someone is not coming because he had to travel for work for a while or something and we are not supposed to continue sessions with out him. anyway , this month i needed guidance the most, i was stumbling in so many ways, in so many issues , and since i needed help i couldn’t find, i prayed for God and asked who can help me ? , i am left alone, no one has time to help me ,to answer my questions, and i am having hard time now, i was astonished or shocked , because how can my spiritual life depends on someone or somepeople that at sometime they maynot be availble or here, i was sad actually and hopeless, many questions were in my mind and i couldn’t help it. Iam sure that many of you , feel the same, ( i hope you don’t actually ) but it’s  was the sad truth for me, no one is surrounding to help, the answer is in the following lines in psalm 119

m Mem

 97 Oh, how I love your law!
       I meditate on it all day long.

 98 Your commands make me wiser than my enemies,
       for they are ever with me.

 99 I have more insight than all my teachers,
       for I meditate on your statutes.

 100 I have more understanding than the elders,
       for I obey your precepts.

 101 I have kept my feet from every evil path
       so that I might obey your word.

 102 I have not departed from your laws,
       for you yourself have taught me.

 103 How sweet are your words to my taste,
       sweeter than honey to my mouth!

 104 I gain understanding from your precepts;
       therefore I hate every wrong path.

— notice with me the first verses :

 97 Oh, how I love your law!
       I meditate on it all day long.

– it  says here  ” I meditate on it all day long” the law which is God’s words to each one of us when one meditate on them (think of them, understand them, love them, hold them by his heart”- I am starting to get a clue-

 98 Your commands make me wiser than my enemies,
       for they are ever with me.

– the commands of God are making me wise…

 99 I have more insight than all my teachers,
       for I meditate on your statutes.

I have more insight than all my teachers

the writer is saying that he is having more insight than all his teachers for he mditates on God’ statutes 

 100 I have more understanding than the elders,
       for I obey your precepts.

he is having more understanding than the elders because he obey’s God’s precepts.


what God told me then, that my mentor is God himself, I do need a youth leader, i do need to have a group in the church , but God is not going to leave me alone ,God is not going to leave me as a leaf carried by the wind that has no one to collect , God saying I am not leaving you , i will take care of you ,i will tell you what to do through my words , my law , my statutes my precepts, Don’t worry  they will make you wise, it will give you sight, it will give you understanding,.

this is very beautiful from God, he is taking care of every one of us, when we ask him to be our mentor, it’s a great honour, a great chance to have a master a teacher who is God. so you can have God as your mentor, ask him , tell him God i want  you to teach me, i want to follow your law,your commands, your satutes, your preciepts because you will give me understanding , you will give me wisdom , you will  tell me what to do , and you will lead me through each day of my life through them , nothing is going to stop God’s love, God’s guidance, God’s parenthood from us, God’s love is unstopable,  even when you are left alone with no one to tell you what to do, God is there ,i prayed to God i told him what to do , i have no one to take care of me, but God answered through his words telling me i am taking care of you, pray to God to take care of you , to lead you , to be your mentor, to support you, his love is incredible , his love is so pure and complete,. actually i am going to take it as for all time, take that God is my mentor, i do need  the youth group and the youth leader, God is going to talk to me through them ,God is the source, if the words of the leader is not from God, they are useless, God is the source, God is the mentor, however things are bad at your group or something, God is always here , God is the source, I am going to ask God every day to be my mentor , to lead me, to tell me what to do, to help me  and answer my questions, God gave us a precious gift which is the holy bible, it’s God message for each one of us every day a specific message for each one of us every day ,every minute, for every thought and every challenge and every questions. Let’s not forget that God is the great teacher , he is all in all , and he is my and your mentor.

if you want God to teach you , please pray right now, aks him to be your father ,your love, your salvation and your teacher, tell him i want you, i open my heart for you to love ,to lead and to guide me through my life. tell him all your fears, all your questions, becuase he has all the love, all the courage, all the wisdom, all the power and all the answers.

Don’t worry we are God’s sons and daughters, he loves us, he is our father, he is taking care of us, don’t let fear  slip into your heart, remember that God is mighty to save, and he is stronger than any circumstances or any problems or difficulities, remeber that your lord has conquered the grave, created the heaven and the earth , he can take care of each one of us, and he loves to do so, believe him ,blieve his words, and ask him to be in your life.

God bless you all.

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