Posts Tagged where does the help come from

Hope Is Near

hi there friends,

Through my relationship with God which is still not for long time ( I have accepted Jesus Christ 4 months ago) , I have found that there are may sickness in my soul, or deseases, or drawbacks or errors, actually i don’t know what should i name it,i’ll call them (défaut) which is a french word that means flaw, those flaws are in my character,they only appear in my relationship with God, they don’t reflect or appear while i am dealing with people , not because i am a two face, but because those features only appear while i am dealing with God, those are like

when Jesus talks to me through many things, the bible, a preacher,a friend, a spiritual book, through the holy spirit, and I don’t listen, and i Know that God is telling me something now, but I don’t get it, I don’t get what God is telling me, how can i fix this ?,,,,,,,Impatience, when God wants me to have quiet time , or God when I don’t get God’s will for some times,also, when i Don’t get God’s wisdom of something, when i am blind to see what God is showing me, all those things, I am not always impatient, I am not always deaf, but it happens, and it annoys me,but actually the only one who can fix those things is Jesus, Stick to him and he will fix you, actually he fixes me everytime something like this happens, and the answer and the hope are in his words, the hope that all those flaws and defaut that are in me are going to be fixed ,and they are not going to be an obstacle between me and God, every time those things come , i pray, i pray that God fix me, and i  pray that i can wait for his healing, and i pray that i make the best of it, Jesus wants to heal me, and you , and everyone who is having those flaws, and here’s the hope and the love of God in those next lines

in matthew 11

2When John heard in prison what Christ was doing, he sent his disciples 3to ask him, “Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?” 4Jesus replied, “Go back and report to John what you hear and see: 5The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor. 6Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me.”

Jesus is telling me, and telling you , and telling everyone who is in the same situation ,every one who experience it, Jesus is saying if you are blind , if you can’t see me  if you can’t see what i am showing you, call on me and i will give you site,you will receive it, if you are lame, and can’t walk in my way , call on me and you will walk, if your sins are bringing your soul leprosy, if you are stenched with sin,call on me and i will cure you, If you are deaf , can’t hear what i am saying to you , call on me and i will make you hear,if you are dead, if you feel like you are dying, if you feel like you it’s over and you are done, call on me and i will raise you,,if you are waiting for the good news, you will have it….

God is giving hope to each one of us, don’t be discouraged, whatever things are bad inside of you, Jesus can heal you,

trust God, trust him, he can heal you, pray to him in those bad times, tell him i need you, i need you.

in psalm 55 :22 Cast your cares on the LORD
       and he will sustain you;
       he will never let the righteous fall.

stick to the Lord and he will save you, in psalm 56 :

13 For you have delivered my soul from death
       and my feet from stumbling,
       that I may walk before God
       in the light of life.

Jesus can deliver your soul even from death, and hold your feet from stumbling, just stick to him, always your eyes are upon God, Your help comes from God : read this message from the Lord , it’s from a book named God calling

 November 19 – Hills of the Lord

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.  
My help cometh form the Lord, which made heaven and earth.  Psalm 12:1,2

Yes! always raise your eyes, from earth’s sordid and mean and false, to the Hills of the Lord. From poverty, lift your eyes to the Help of the Lord.

In moments of weakness, lift your eyes to the Hills of the Lord.

Train your sight by constantly getting this long view.  Train it to see more and more, further and further, until distant peaks seem familiar.

The Hills of the Lord.  The Hills whence comes your help.  A parched earth looks to the Hills for its rivers, its streams, its life.  So look you to the Hills.  From those Hills comes Help.  Help from the Lord – who made Heaven and earth.

So, for all your spiritual needs, look to the Lord, who made Heaven, and for all your temporal needs look to Me, owner of all this, the Lord who made the earth.

Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.  James 4:10


the official site of the book where you can read it : ,,  God bless you all, and always have hope in God, for he can ,wants and loves to help

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