Posts Tagged why not me

why not me?

hi all, i guess that most of us once thought, while we are sick, or having a pain (headache,backpain,sotmach ache) or even serious sickness like heart diseases or tumers or so, we thought that why God doesn’t heal us right now, at this moment,
I’m just 20, but i have thought about this manytimes,i was asking myself can i be one of those peopel who Jesus heals them (a miracle) , i knew that Jesus did so, he heals many, and still healing people till now, but always i was telling myself that i am just a normal guy, why would i have a miracle or so ? .
any ways, a month ago , i was working a lot at school and so ( i’m studying computer sciences) so i had to carry my laptop everyday in the college, and when i come home , i also be on computer working on tasks or assignments or just playing a game, i was living this way for two weeks, and everyhting was ok, then i started to feel pain at the end of my back, day after day the pain grew bigger,then i decided not to carry mylaptop again , or to stay that long on computer, but my pain didn’t decrease , it was the same, even if i am just resting, it was aching, i was afraid, i told God, i am just 20, how can i have those problems with my back at this young age, i was disappointed because i was telling myself “there is a lot of pain coming as i am growing up, and i will not going to enjoy my life , because just a few years from now i guess i am going to be wrecked, I’m just 20 and having that pain so what about when i become 30 “, i was frustrated, anyway i told myself “well i have to get used to it” , then at a friday when i go to the ministery at church, while we were praying, the minister was praying to God telling him to heal the sick bodies, the minister said i know that you can heal the sick my lord, that was just a phrase from the prayer it was general not specially for healing,
i thought in myself ” why not me ?” ,why jesus don’t heal me like the many he heals, why not me?
i told jesus, God i know and i believe that you can heal the sick, and i want you to heal me, why not?, i am your son too and that’s what you said, and i am sick, and you heal the sick, so i want you to heal me.
all i can say is that, i never felt that pain again ,that was the last time i had that pain.
so if you are feeling the same way, if you thought that jesus can heal people but he is not going to heal me, if you are having pain , and want Jesus to heal you, ask him to, tell him i want you to heal me,
in mathew 8 “16When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick. 17This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah:
“He took up our infirmities
and carried our diseases.”
this words are true, those words are rightous, Jesus take our infirmities and carry our diseases
in those words God is telling you I am willing to heal you, that’s my job, i want to,
at the first of the chapter :
1When he came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed him. 2A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”
3Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” Immediately he was cured of his leprosy. 4Then Jesus said to him, “See that you don’t tell anyone. But go, show yourself to the priest and offer the gift Moses commanded, as a testimony to them.”

Jesus healed many, and he is still healing, if you don’t have enough faith, then ask God to give you faith, Jesus can Heal you , whatever infirmities or diseases you are having, Belive God, when he said ” I am willing”.

Jesus loves you
God bless

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