Posts Tagged christ opens the door

Welcome Home

Jesus wants to embrace you

Jesus wants to embrace you

hey there, this post is about being lost and found, i have been lost for a long time, you know, when you start to ask yourself , why i am here, why do i exsist , and you feel that nothing gives this answer , nothing satisfies , and your life turn to hell by then : ) , well that is what was happening to me , i search for something that gives me a meaning, but i have done so many things but  i didn’t feel satisfied, the only answer that gives a meaning to my existence was God, i figured it out, God created man so that he lives in his presence and enjoy it, i tried to reach God in so many ways, but didn’t work, because i was wrong, i didn’t hear God’s knock on my door, and when i heared it i ignored it and said to myself  no , this is not going to get me closer to God, that brought me down more and more, then finally when i surrendered to God, and decided that i leave myself to him , i told him , do whatever you want to me, i will believe you , it’s in your hands now , because my was didn’t work ,and i am out of them, when i reached that decision or that fact, then when God knocked i opened and he entered my life, and told me so many things, and no my life has changed 180 degrees , i am enjoying it now, in the bad and good times as well : )

so i would like to share this experience with you, because you maybe in the same situation , or you may need God as much as i do : )



it’s not enough, the life i own
it isn’t tough,but i am far away from home

much is given to me, nothing’s pure to satisfy
what can’t i see, what’s missed by my eye

i tried everythin , from the black to the white
even enjoyed my sin, and losing my sight
traveled through the world in my mind
searched for satisfaction i can’t find
& didn’t know , what should be left behind
writing my fears through every night
spending hours thinking of what can give me the might
but even my teares weren’t that bright

tried to reach God , but it never worked
he was the only one who ever supported

as my ways failed,as life stood still
as my world braked,as days got ill
as my words shacked, as truth to fill

Jesus showed me the way , i’m the truth and the light
revealed himself that day, i’m your father , your christ
surrender to me, and i will give you my light
believe when i say , i’m your lord your christ

i will touch you ,i’ll heal all your pain
i will forgive you, no longer you will be the same

accept me , accept my presence in you
love me, & i’ll show you what to do

I’m your savior , the one you were looking for
it’s a shame ,you nevered heared my knock on your door
but you finaly opened, no longer you will be the same as before
you were drowning in a sea, it’s the time to take you to the shore

you were right, satisfaction is only through me
only through my light you can really see
trust me, you will enjoy what life is goint to be
in the valley of the shadow of death i’m holding your hand
in the face of sin’s temptation , now you will stand

stick to me and i’ll give you the heaven on earth
i’m the life and the way, who believes in me will never see the death

you are my son, welcome now home
carved on my hands, welcome your new dawn

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