Posts Tagged poetry

Gates Of Hell and Angels

no body cares

no one gives a damn

no body’s fair

coz nobody is there


that was my say

when i used to be alone

i couldn’t fly away

as i caried the pain on my own


cry alone , sing for the pain

choke alone, dream in vain


watch your tears falling

it’s the only show around

no one can hear your calling

no one can hear your sound

staring deep in your drawing

of a bird that can’t find a ground


no body cares

no one gives a damn

no body’s fare

coz nobody is there



that was my life before i find the cure

your love which is pure, now i a know it for sure

those were my feelings that never gives a relief

never thought i would make it , i never had a belief

that some day ill over come it , and stand again to have a life

it taught me a lesson , that God wants me to have the best life


imagine all the sufferings flash and disappear

driven by the surroundings of disturbance and fear


always the flow with dark winds

ghost whispers ,shapes  your wings


God damn it , from the deep of the throat

it’s like gates of hell open through your thought



no body cares

no one gives a damn

no body’s fare

coz nobody is there




getting scared of my own talk

stumble and fall , stumble and fall

looking for the right door

just keep reminding myself of what iam looking for

stumble and fall then stumble and fall

and coming back to where i started it all


no body cares

no one gives a damn

no body’s fare

coz nobody is there



where are you my angel ?

do you exist at least ?

am I  a stranger

or did I  make you leave..

living with a craked  soul and a broken heart

It’s easy word to say I was torn apart

It just was worse

This is who I was before I knew the one Isaiah talked about:

The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
      because he has anointed me
      to preach good news to the poor.
   He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
      and recovery of sight for the blind,  to release the oppressed,
    19to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor

He preached me good news.

I’m no longer poor.

He proclaimed freedom for me.

I’m no longer a prisoner.

He restored my sight.

I’m no longer blind.

He released me.

I’m no longer oppressed.

He proclaimed the Lord’s favor.


Jesus cared about me

When nobody gave a damn

Jesus Loved me

Though I was a lost man.


the words in regular fonts are  a poem i made named ” gates of hell and angels ” , i made it before i knew christ.

this was what i really felt.

the words in bold, i added them today. this is what really happened,and this is what is happining, this is the difference  Jesus made in me.

all you have to do is to accept Jesus call to you

Jesus said in revelation 3:20

 “20Behold, I stand at the door and knock.If anyone hears my voice and opens the door,I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.”

after i knew Jesus, i just recognized how many knocks on my door i ignored, and how many times he was calling on me but i said ” no , it’s nothing ”

but thanks to him i finally answered and opened my door.

Jesus loves you. and i pray that if you are still away from him. if  haven’t tasted his love ,tender and fatherhood, his compassion , that you hear him and open your door.

because he is knocking on your door everyday.

If you are feeling the same way as i did, know that Jesus is here for you. just tell him i want to hear your voice,open your heart for him.

and I am here if you would love to talk.


and Jesus is already inviting you to come to him through matthew

11: “28Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

you will find rest for your souls.

John 3 :  16“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

God bless you.

this is my first poem after i knew Jesus ” welcome home ” and this is my 2nd ” jesus loves me whoever I am

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never be the same

Jesus Healed the paralyzed manno , i will never be the same
i will never be the same after you’ve touched me

after i have tasted your love , i will never be the same
you loved me not because something i do
and not because that i deserve to
you loved me because the pure heart of you

you have changed nothing but me
every thing is the same except that now i see

and yeah i want you in my life
i want you in my life
and yeah life with you is hard
but it’s great

i want you in my life because it is not going to be the same
my heart has changed and i am still having the same name

i may fall
then i may think i am going to lose it all

but no , i will not surrender , even if i think that i am a pretender
i will stick to you, i will pray
i nam not going to lose you, no , not that way.

i will fight, i will fight
and your love will be my light

you help me even when  i am far away
it’s because you love me
it’s because of your love

& no , i will never be the same
i will never be the same after you’ve touched me
i will never be the same after i’ve been born again.

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good days don’t last forever
life and joy are not always together

pain is in everyday and to experience sadness is a must
whether you had a hard day or betrayed by a one you trust

his heart was torn apart today
he never thought it would hurt that way

and she lost her love in a blink of an eye
nothing she can hear of her breath but a sigh

I wondered for so long times , is it ok to sing a song that’s sad
I wondered is there’s some one who really understands


there’s some one exactly knows how do you feel
exactly passed through the same and the pain was so real


the pressure at work is killing his peace
should he leave his job or live in tears

and she had a difficult decision to make
to accept who she is or to continue being a fake

all i know is when you have a sad song to play
Jesus is with you and he will never leaves away

he is still walking in our streets saying ” any burden to bear?”
still calling onto you,” give me from your pain a share”

You don’t have to taste sorrow alone
Jesus is the only one that loves you when you are on your own
when you are tired and can’t wait to get home
Jesus is feeling your pain

and when your night is long and still waiting for the dawn
when you feel so cold and need a love that’s warm
Jesus wants to hug you , to protect you from the storm
One thing I know is that you don’t have to carry pain on your own
and when sad songs come, don’t sing them alone
fore there’s one who’s feeling your pain
and this one, does really care.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. (matthew 5:4)

psalm 91

14 “Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.

15 He will call upon me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.

16 With long life will I satisfy him
and show him my salvation.”

* Psalm 118
5 In my anguish I cried to the LORD,
and he answered by setting me free.
know that Jesus is always with you he is loving you,he is watching over you, call him in your pain or sadness, and he will comfort you, he will set you free, he will rescue you, give you his salvation.all this words are for you, believe God when he tells you i will rescue, set you free, i will comfort you, if you want to love God but you can’t , tell him show me your love, show me what i need to love you, and he will, because he wants your salvation because he loves you, he suffered all the pain and dying on the cross, only because he loves you i
n john (3:16) “16”For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
Jesus loves you.
God bless

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what the lord has done in me

hey all, there’s a song by hillsong named what the lord has done in me, it’s very blessed, i guess it reminds you or moves the dust away from your eyes, to let you see ,feel, and love what the lord has done in me,

i am new to christ, but he has done a lot , and still doing, jesus gave me his love, salvation,forgiveness, strength, hope,joy,peace, and a brand new life.

jesus loves everysingle person a lot, even the sinners, even the wounded

God bless you all, Jesus Loves You

here’s the lyrics (by the way the word ,”Hosanna,” is a cry for salvation, while at the same time is a declaration of praise)

Let the weak say I am strong
Let the poor say I am rich
Let the blind say I can see
It’s what the Lord has done in me

Hosanna Hosanna
To the Lamb that was slain
Hosanna Hosanna
Jesus died and rose again

Into the river I will wade
There my sins are washed away
From the Heavens mercy streams
Of the Saviour’s love for me

I will rise from waters deep
Into the saving arms of God
I will sing salvation songs
Jesus Christ has set me free



i have found this beautiful video onyoutube , it’s the song, it’s so blessed

,last thing : ) , i want you to know that when jesus suffered all that pain when he was betryaed, crucified  , when he died and rose again, he wants to tell you ” all of this was done because i love you and nothing more ”

Jesus loves you , he can be your savior, your rest,your salvation,your future, your hope, your consolation, your father, your love, your friend. just accept him in your life and let him hold your hands and rise you up, let him change you , let him change your life as he wants, and be sure that this change will be the best for you, because he knows you more than yourself,

that’ what God said , he knows you since you were in your mom’s womb,

he has plans for you , and he is always with you:

O LORD, you have searched me
       and you know me.

 2 You know when I sit and when I rise;
       you perceive my thoughts from afar.

 3 You discern my going out and my lying down;
       you are familiar with all my ways.

 4 Before a word is on my tongue
       you know it completely, O LORD.

 5 You hem me in—behind and before;
       you have laid your hand upon me.

 6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
       too lofty for me to attain.

 7 Where can I go from your Spirit?
       Where can I flee from your presence?

 8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
       if I make my bed in the depths, [a] you are there.

 9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
       if I settle on the far side of the sea,

 10 even there your hand will guide me,
       your right hand will hold me fast.

 11 If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me
       and the light become night around me,”

 12 even the darkness will not be dark to you;
       the night will shine like the day,
       for darkness is as light to you.

 13 For you created my inmost being;
       you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
       your works are wonderful,
       I know that full well.

 15 My frame was not hidden from you
       when I was made in the secret place.
       When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,

 16 your eyes saw my unformed body.
       All the days ordained for me
       were written in your book
       before one of them came to be.

 17 How precious to [b] me are your thoughts, O God!
       How vast is the sum of them!

 18 Were I to count them,
       they would outnumber the grains of sand.
       When I awake,
       I am still with you.

 19 If only you would slay the wicked, O God!
       Away from me, you bloodthirsty men!

 20 They speak of you with evil intent;
       your adversaries misuse your name.

 21 Do I not hate those who hate you, O LORD,
       and abhor those who rise up against you?

 22 I have nothing but hatred for them;
       I count them my enemies.

 23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
       test me and know my anxious thoughts.

 24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
       and lead me in the way everlasting.

God bless

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A prayer (take me back)

Hi all, this is a small prayer i wrote, guess it is different than all my writings , any way , i hope it  be blessed, and that you like it and maybe you will use it in your prayer 🙂

God bless


keep me under your wings
forgive me and clear my sins

take me back to your home
i cant reach it on my own

let this be a prayer for you
not  a lie but true

let it be as  your heart desires

taste me the joy of yours
give me , give me your salvation
accept me , accept me in your nation
because i want to be yours
and i  can’t do it on my own

teach me how to follow you
tell me what should i do

i am just a little one
i used to hide from your sun

now your glory is what i want to see
show me your way and set me free

i know you are smiling down on me
i know you are always loving me

take my hands and lead me today
teach me how to love you and love your way.

it’s just i figured out that i want to be clear with jesus, i want to express myself , i know that jesus wants me to be honest with him ,so at first i tell him  that i want to be yours,i want to be safe in your hands, i want you to forgive me, i can’t do it on my own , i can’t be good enough, but you can make me so, you can give me your strength ,your faith , so that i can be what you want me to be , which is going to be the best thing ever, i pray and i want you to teach me how to pray so that this prayer is useful , because some of our prayers are not honest, or asking for the wrong things, or not just true, so i want God to teach me how to pray, i want to be in his army , i want to be his son, i want to taste and enjoy his salvation, because once  i used to hide from him , but it was because i ddin’t knew him , i didn’t knew how loveing he is , and how much it is great to live in his way, it’s not that easy but jesus can give me strength so that i make it , when you come to God, when you come to him truly, when you honsetly want to live with him, i am sure that God will be smiling down on you, because he loves me and you, even if you don’t know him , i wrote a poem named ” jesus loves me whoever i am” it is true, and i use it to remind myself with it  that jesus loves me,

God bless you  🙂

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Believe me

why are we here, what are we living for, wasting days in nothing, all what you do worth a null , so what’s the use, what controls you , what gives a meaning to yourday, what’s the point you are seeking in  yourlife, i guess that anyone should focus on what is going to give his life a meaning, don’t lose focus because of work and so,

what gives a meaning to my life is God, and I am trying to keep him infront of me, i pray , i want his help.

this poem maybe gives you a different feeling than what i meant , but anyway , hope it helps : )

God bless

belive me
believe me now
there are words i have never used
and some thoughts were never  refused
some glasses are broken by emptiness
and eyelashes are hidden by blakness

many faces are saving their smiles
for an end of a way that lasts for miles

there are hands never  fixed the  broken
and lips with the truth  never spoken

some hide under the fallen walls
escape the sky by closing doors

enjoy the others  fake lives
taking them as real covers

who are you , what do you stand for
what are you doin right now , what are you living for

if you look in the mirror what are you going to see
a standing  life or a broken tree

for our lives we are wasting  with falling tears
trapped in each moment by growing fears

break your boundaries, get out of yourself
who is your God ?
a one you can touch , or just a book on the shelf
what’s your solace , who is yourself ?


when you come to this point, when you realize, that you are doing nothing, a useless soul, when you know who you are, how weak and shallow, when you break down, when you fall,when you believe that you are living a wrong life. that you are dead  and you are not alive. surrender to christ, call him to raise you up, to start a new life with him, where he is your leader, he is your father and he is your teacher, you will taste victory and he will give you a life that  you will really enjoy.

john 11:25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, even though he dies, will live”.

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Shine For you

have you ever heared ” shine for you” from hillsong ? , does it touches you in anyway ?.

here’s the lyrics

Look across the world
And let us shine for you, Lord
The whole world is yours
And I want to live for you

One thing I know
Is that you’ve changed my life
I give you my all
All you are is good
Give you my heart
God it’s only you I seek
Give you my praise
‘Cause I believe in you

Look across the world
And let us shine for you, Lord
The whole world is yours
And I want to live for you, O God

All that I know
Is that you’ve changed my life
I give you my all
And all you are is good
Carry the lost
Make my prayer in this life real
Carry my cross
Hold on ’til I see you

Look across the world
And let us shine for you, Lord
The whole world is yours
And I want to live for you, O God

And I want to live
I want to love you more
I want to be used
Father in all of the world
May your word be heard
May it stay on my lips
Live what I speak
Until your kingdom come
Look across the world
And let us shine for you
And let us shine for you
Look across the world
And let us shine for you, Lord
The whole world is yours
And I want to live for you
Look across the world
And let us shine for you, Lord
The whole world is yours
And I want to live for you
And I want to live for you
And I want to live for you


i used to listen to it, but all what was in my mind, from where are those people who are praising this way ?, i believe in christ, but i didn’t live in christ, that’s why i asked myself , will i be able someday to sing along this song, will i feel this way towards God and towards myself, actually by then , i answered ” well , i guess not “, any way,  now i live in christ, Jesus has changed mylife, now i feel those words, and i live them , and i wish that i can achieve all the goals in this words, i can do nothing by myself, Jesus will do through me, will bless me with through doing his work , i am so glad right now,  God is mighty to save, i never believed that one day i can be this way, it’s true , I can’t, but jesus can maked me this way, and he did,  so my friends , have faith in God, if you feel like you want to live in christ, you can, all what you want to do , is when you hear God’s knock on your door, open, and let him in, and if you can’t hear it, then focus, and wait for it ,because God knocks every single day, waiting for you to open, so be steady , and wait to hear the knock, then after God enters, follow him , it’s not easy to follow , but follow him, read the bible, pray , talk to God about everything, be clear to him, talk to him about everything, about your good and about your bad, even if you don’t love him, tell him, tell him i don’t love you , show me yourself so that i can love you, and go to a church that you trust, and go weekly, or daily, whatever you need, be commited to follow God, and he will lead you, he is the good shephered and we are his sheep, he leads, and then you are going to sing along this song one day , and you are going to praise the lord, and enjoy what your life is going to be. when you accept christ in your life, when he touches you , when you see all his mercy , love and promises, by then you will find yourself praising the lord from the deepest heart, no longer you will be pretending, you will be honest against yourself, you will prasie the lord.

You Can Praise The Lord

You Can Praise The Lord , You Can Enjoy IT

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YesterDay I Was OK !!!

hi there, when you accept Jesus in your life, days are wonderful , but somedays you feel like you slipped away, or that day is not good, you feel that you are away from God, and it’s like you don’t put him infront of your eyes for even a moment in this days, maybe it’s because life is fast , or it’s a busy day, or something is taking all your energy ,anyway  , when you realize this at your day, you should pause everything and give Jesus a chance to be with you ,even if for a little time, and always pray that your Job, studies, family or anything doesn’t eat all your time ,leaving no time for you to share with jesus, like when jesus said about the land that hears his words, and start to produce furites but the thorns of the world suffocate it, so pray to be the good one that produce fruites and lasts with God,

so this poem is about being ok oneday , and then being not ok the next , so what to do, and know that God is always there for you , at any time even if you are busy to feel it.


yesterday i was Okay
today i am just a piece of crap
maybe i’ve lost my way
i need to wake up by a slap


days go on like a stunning play
but no one knows what to say
a new act a new try
a moth into a butterfly

you are my God , the maker of the skies
with love never changes , you hear my sighs

i wounderd what is taking me away from you
i know you love me and i love you too
but there must be something i should do
you showed me exactly what i need
an effort , a time to plant a seed
a word a thought should be a deed
you gave me the strength that i need
you taught me how to be a man
infront of sin i can stand
& i’m not alone i’m in your plan
your love grows up like a plant

it’s amazing how you fill my heart with joy
it’s your faith , your peace i meant to enjoy

it’s you my God the source of it all
always with me in my spring and fall

DON'T LET THE BUSY DAY TAKES YOU AWAY         a photo by danielmorris

don't let the busy day takes you away ... a photo by daniel morris

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For You My Darkness

hi there, have you ever felt that you enjoyed being in pain, or sad, it’s not like you are happy with it, but it’s like you feel that you belong to pain and this is where you should be , well i felt this , i lived in this for long times , maybe 2 years in total, i  guess it was because nothing shined in my life, or because nothing that mattered to me happened , i wasn’t hungry , or homeless , no , i was living in a house , and have money , what caused  me pain wasn’t a materialistic thing, but now, i have found that i can live in the light, i can really enjoy my life, and have a life, that’s away from being goth , or sadist ,or something like this, it’s true every one of us can have a life in the light , you can enjoy your life, to be honest i didn’t find what gives me the boost , or what gives me the hope that i can leave all this black life behind, Jesus christ has found me, only through him i found a meaning to mylife, to enjoy his presence in my life, it’s a very different life, and very beautiful ,it has its sadness and joy, but every thing has a different taste, when i gave my life to Jesus, he promised that he is going to give me a life that suits me the best – that’s his promise in the bible for those who will follow him- , it’s simple because i am God’s hand made, he knows me better than i do, so he is the best one to lead me in my life,

so i want you my dear one that you realize the fact that , you can leave all that darkness behind, and start a new life, i hope that you accept christ in your life, and you will have the best one, this poem is to say : it’s possible and it’s beautiful to leave your dark life , and start a new one : ) , full of success , joy, experiencing new horizons and new friendships, talents, thoughts, deeds, it’s so beautiful and it is in your hands.


for you my darkness i loved my fall
abandoned my good and gave it all

to an end that hope never gone to
enjoyed the walk & bieng wounded too

every thing that mattered ,
every thing that ached
all are new colored
all are new shaped

it’s for you my darkness i enjoyed the fall

the pain in the eyes, the ghosts in my sighs
the flowers that faded, the hours i wasted
for you my darkness i couldn’t touch

you were my black widow everyday
to die for your love ,i should pay

again and again you saoked the life out of me
and you, you were the only one i could see

for you my darkness i lost it all
turned all my seasons into fall

but no my dear, you only gave me fear
and showed me the people that have no fear

you were enjoying my deep burns
but no my dear . i will leave you here
in your end ,where no one is near

good bye my darling i’m heading to the light
enjoy your loneliness in your dark night

hello my day , ill embrace your love
take me away , ill enjoy your love

John 12:46 “I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.”

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Welcome Home

Jesus wants to embrace you

Jesus wants to embrace you

hey there, this post is about being lost and found, i have been lost for a long time, you know, when you start to ask yourself , why i am here, why do i exsist , and you feel that nothing gives this answer , nothing satisfies , and your life turn to hell by then : ) , well that is what was happening to me , i search for something that gives me a meaning, but i have done so many things but  i didn’t feel satisfied, the only answer that gives a meaning to my existence was God, i figured it out, God created man so that he lives in his presence and enjoy it, i tried to reach God in so many ways, but didn’t work, because i was wrong, i didn’t hear God’s knock on my door, and when i heared it i ignored it and said to myself  no , this is not going to get me closer to God, that brought me down more and more, then finally when i surrendered to God, and decided that i leave myself to him , i told him , do whatever you want to me, i will believe you , it’s in your hands now , because my was didn’t work ,and i am out of them, when i reached that decision or that fact, then when God knocked i opened and he entered my life, and told me so many things, and no my life has changed 180 degrees , i am enjoying it now, in the bad and good times as well : )

so i would like to share this experience with you, because you maybe in the same situation , or you may need God as much as i do : )



it’s not enough, the life i own
it isn’t tough,but i am far away from home

much is given to me, nothing’s pure to satisfy
what can’t i see, what’s missed by my eye

i tried everythin , from the black to the white
even enjoyed my sin, and losing my sight
traveled through the world in my mind
searched for satisfaction i can’t find
& didn’t know , what should be left behind
writing my fears through every night
spending hours thinking of what can give me the might
but even my teares weren’t that bright

tried to reach God , but it never worked
he was the only one who ever supported

as my ways failed,as life stood still
as my world braked,as days got ill
as my words shacked, as truth to fill

Jesus showed me the way , i’m the truth and the light
revealed himself that day, i’m your father , your christ
surrender to me, and i will give you my light
believe when i say , i’m your lord your christ

i will touch you ,i’ll heal all your pain
i will forgive you, no longer you will be the same

accept me , accept my presence in you
love me, & i’ll show you what to do

I’m your savior , the one you were looking for
it’s a shame ,you nevered heared my knock on your door
but you finaly opened, no longer you will be the same as before
you were drowning in a sea, it’s the time to take you to the shore

you were right, satisfaction is only through me
only through my light you can really see
trust me, you will enjoy what life is goint to be
in the valley of the shadow of death i’m holding your hand
in the face of sin’s temptation , now you will stand

stick to me and i’ll give you the heaven on earth
i’m the life and the way, who believes in me will never see the death

you are my son, welcome now home
carved on my hands, welcome your new dawn

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