Posts Tagged enjoy life

Shine For you

have you ever heared ” shine for you” from hillsong ? , does it touches you in anyway ?.

here’s the lyrics

Look across the world
And let us shine for you, Lord
The whole world is yours
And I want to live for you

One thing I know
Is that you’ve changed my life
I give you my all
All you are is good
Give you my heart
God it’s only you I seek
Give you my praise
‘Cause I believe in you

Look across the world
And let us shine for you, Lord
The whole world is yours
And I want to live for you, O God

All that I know
Is that you’ve changed my life
I give you my all
And all you are is good
Carry the lost
Make my prayer in this life real
Carry my cross
Hold on ’til I see you

Look across the world
And let us shine for you, Lord
The whole world is yours
And I want to live for you, O God

And I want to live
I want to love you more
I want to be used
Father in all of the world
May your word be heard
May it stay on my lips
Live what I speak
Until your kingdom come
Look across the world
And let us shine for you
And let us shine for you
Look across the world
And let us shine for you, Lord
The whole world is yours
And I want to live for you
Look across the world
And let us shine for you, Lord
The whole world is yours
And I want to live for you
And I want to live for you
And I want to live for you


i used to listen to it, but all what was in my mind, from where are those people who are praising this way ?, i believe in christ, but i didn’t live in christ, that’s why i asked myself , will i be able someday to sing along this song, will i feel this way towards God and towards myself, actually by then , i answered ” well , i guess not “, any way,  now i live in christ, Jesus has changed mylife, now i feel those words, and i live them , and i wish that i can achieve all the goals in this words, i can do nothing by myself, Jesus will do through me, will bless me with through doing his work , i am so glad right now,  God is mighty to save, i never believed that one day i can be this way, it’s true , I can’t, but jesus can maked me this way, and he did,  so my friends , have faith in God, if you feel like you want to live in christ, you can, all what you want to do , is when you hear God’s knock on your door, open, and let him in, and if you can’t hear it, then focus, and wait for it ,because God knocks every single day, waiting for you to open, so be steady , and wait to hear the knock, then after God enters, follow him , it’s not easy to follow , but follow him, read the bible, pray , talk to God about everything, be clear to him, talk to him about everything, about your good and about your bad, even if you don’t love him, tell him, tell him i don’t love you , show me yourself so that i can love you, and go to a church that you trust, and go weekly, or daily, whatever you need, be commited to follow God, and he will lead you, he is the good shephered and we are his sheep, he leads, and then you are going to sing along this song one day , and you are going to praise the lord, and enjoy what your life is going to be. when you accept christ in your life, when he touches you , when you see all his mercy , love and promises, by then you will find yourself praising the lord from the deepest heart, no longer you will be pretending, you will be honest against yourself, you will prasie the lord.

You Can Praise The Lord

You Can Praise The Lord , You Can Enjoy IT

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