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YesterDay I Was OK !!!

hi there, when you accept Jesus in your life, days are wonderful , but somedays you feel like you slipped away, or that day is not good, you feel that you are away from God, and it’s like you don’t put him infront of your eyes for even a moment in this days, maybe it’s because life is fast , or it’s a busy day, or something is taking all your energy ,anyway  , when you realize this at your day, you should pause everything and give Jesus a chance to be with you ,even if for a little time, and always pray that your Job, studies, family or anything doesn’t eat all your time ,leaving no time for you to share with jesus, like when jesus said about the land that hears his words, and start to produce furites but the thorns of the world suffocate it, so pray to be the good one that produce fruites and lasts with God,

so this poem is about being ok oneday , and then being not ok the next , so what to do, and know that God is always there for you , at any time even if you are busy to feel it.


yesterday i was Okay
today i am just a piece of crap
maybe i’ve lost my way
i need to wake up by a slap


days go on like a stunning play
but no one knows what to say
a new act a new try
a moth into a butterfly

you are my God , the maker of the skies
with love never changes , you hear my sighs

i wounderd what is taking me away from you
i know you love me and i love you too
but there must be something i should do
you showed me exactly what i need
an effort , a time to plant a seed
a word a thought should be a deed
you gave me the strength that i need
you taught me how to be a man
infront of sin i can stand
& i’m not alone i’m in your plan
your love grows up like a plant

it’s amazing how you fill my heart with joy
it’s your faith , your peace i meant to enjoy

it’s you my God the source of it all
always with me in my spring and fall

DON'T LET THE BUSY DAY TAKES YOU AWAY         a photo by danielmorris

don't let the busy day takes you away ... a photo by daniel morris

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