Posts Tagged Jesus love

The Love of a Lover

From the book God Calling ( )

May 14 – The Love of a Lover

Remember that a loving Master delights in the intimacy of demands made, as much as He desires His followers and friends to delight in the tender intimacy of His demands.

Only as the result of frequent converse with Me, of much prayer to Me, of listening to and obedience to My behests comes that intimacy that makes My followers dare to approach Me as friend to friend.

Yield in all things to My tender insistence  but remember I yield too to yours.  Ask not only the big things I have told you, but ask the little tender signs of Love.  Remember that I came as the world’s Great Lover.  Never think of My Love as only a tender compassion and forgiveness.  It is that, but it is also the Love of a Lover, who shows His Love by countless words and actions and by tender thought.

In each of you, too, remember there is God.  It is always given to man to see in his fellow man those aspirations and qualities he himself possesses.  So only I, being really God, can recognize the God in man.  Remember this, too, in your relation to others.

Your motives and aspirations can only be understood by those who have attained the same spiritual level.  So do not vainly, foolishly, expect from others understanding.  Do not misjudge them for not giving it. Yours is a foreign language to them.

Tell me, O thou whom my soul loveth, where thou feedest, where
 thou makest thy flock to rest at noon.  Song of Solomon 1:7

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It’s True

It’s true , there’s a hope

It really does exist

The ligh that drives the darkness away

It’s true, There’s a hope for me

There’s a cure for my sickness

There’s a Doctor for my illness

There’s a healer for my wounds

It’s true that a man , a dead man  a new born

It’s true ,a failure , a sinner , a lost soul

be a new free soul

It’s true  ,that joy and peace inter your life, again

Those good forgotten feelings can be regained

and be more beautiful than ever

It’s true that the orphan is having a father

a lonely dry heart be a red beating made of flesh one

It’s true that the lost can be found and the sinner be saved

I know nothing, but one thing I’m living .. Jesus does so.

“For I did not come to judge the world , but to save it “(john 12:47)


“For the son of man came to seek and to save what was lost(luke 19:10)


“It’s not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick “(luke 5:31)


“Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and i will give you rest

29 take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart,

and you will find rest for your souls,

30 for my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (matthew 11:28-30)


“But you, I God,do see the trouble and grief,

you consider it to take it in hand,

the victim commits himself to you,

you are the helper of the fatherless”psalm(10:14)


“You hear , O Lord, the desire of the afflicted,

you encourage them, and you listen to their cry,

defending the fatherless and the opressed,

in order that man, who is of the earth, may terrify no more ” psalm(10:17-18)



10″He does not treat us as our sins deserve

or repay us according to our iniquities,

11For as high as the heavens are above the earth,

so great is his love for those who fear him,

12as far as the east is from the west,

so far has he removed our transgressions from us”(psalm 103: 10-12)


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Love your enemy

Many of us  don’t like the people who hate us , or the people disregard us, the ones who never care about us, i have found my self, doing so, i used to say ” that guy rejects me, i will never care about him , or care to talk to him, or this girl think that i am worthless to talk to, then who cares, i don’t care about even looking at her ” , i guess every one of us was rejected before, even if i think that why that man or that woman did so, sometimes our negative feelings makes us say i don’t care at all about him , he can go and die, what do i care. that’s a part

the other part is that the people who hurt us, when someone hurt us we always think that we should hurt him the same, or because someone hates us , we should hate him or her too, but this is wrong, no one likes to be  hated by anyone, if a man hates me , so why do i be like him and hate him, why do i lose my love to people and let my heart be invaded by hatred because of him,

Jesus wanted us to love who hates us, and to bless who curses us,  jesus was hurt , beaten cursed , crucified ,and betryaed by his own people, his own sons, his handmade, and yet he said, my father forgive them , they don’t know what they are doing, not only he wanted them to be forgiven, but he loved them too

at the end, be aware of the feeling of heatred, or just pale feelings ,towards those who harm us, or hurt us, because those kinds of feelings should be replaced by love, as jesus told us , to love every one, the reason i wrote this post is that i found that there are many people that i don’t love and don’t care about because they don’t care about me , i have found my heart including those feelings, without knowing about it,

so let’s be aware of the kind of feelings we hold in our hearts, they should be love and only love,

and if you are hurt, then forgive as jesus said. and you are the one who is victorious, and you will draw people to you with your love, even if they hate you.

that’s not my words, that’s what jesus said

in matthew 5

 43“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44But I tell you: Love your enemies  and pray for those who persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.



God bless 🙂

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The Book

God Calling

by Two Listeners

Edited by A. J. Russell

The Two Listeners

The Story of the book – A. J. Russell

I did not write this book.  I wish that I had done so.

Had I written it I should have been immeasurably proud.  Too proud for spiritual health.

My simple task has been to prepare it for publication and to present it to the public.  But that has not really been a task – only a privilege; an undeserved honour.

There is a legend that the praise for building the Cathedral of St. Sofia was not given to the Emperor Constantine but to Euphrasia, a poor widow who drew from her mattress “a wisp of straw and gave it to the oxen” that draw the marble from the ships.  That was all, she did nothing more.

Not one woman, but two have written this book; and they seek no praise.  They have elected to remain anonymous and to be called “Two Listeners.”  But the claim which they make is an astonishing one, that their message has been given to them, today, here in England, by the Living Christ Himself.

Having read their book I believe them.

I do not of course believe that He whispered to them all that He intends to say for this generation.  But I am confident that He opened their eyes to many things which they and this generation greatly need to know.

I do not believe in the verbal inspiration of this or any book.  But I do believe that these two women have been led and that much of what is written is very clear leading indeed.

I have found these messages a spiritual stimulus.  But that statement is as inadequate as to say that I like England.  None could have written this book unless he or she was a Christian and in touch with the Living Founder of Christianity.

We hear much of the  decline of the drama.  Think of this piece of real drama of our own times.  Again, as so often before, “He was in the world and the world knew Him not.”

Two poor, brave women were courageously fighting against sickness and penury.  They were facing a hopeless future and one of them even longed to be quit of this hard world for good.  And then He spoke.  And spoke again!

Day after day He comes and cheers them.  And though they still have their sorrows, they have joy and a new courage.  For He inspires them with His promises for their future when His loving purpose shall be revealed; and He gently rallies them on their unbelief; as He did their forlorn predecessors during that walk to Emmaus.

Open this book at any page and taste its beauty.  Dwell lovingly on its tender phrases.  Let its wonderful quality sink deep into your spirit.

Have you lost faith?  Meditate on any one of these tiny sections and it will come again to you as that of a little child.  You may not see him standing by your side with HIs ready smile of confident encouragement; but you will know that He is there, as He always is and that He still expects great things of you, and is ever ready to help you to achieve them.

If winter comes – are you afraid of poverty?  Turn again to these pages and you will find the law of supply – Give and it shall be given to you.  Give your love, your time, your sympathy, yourself; give all that you have under His direct guidance to all who are needy; give both to the deserving and the undeserving.

Has health gone?  Are you no better though you have prayed long and often?  Here again you will find the incense of healing; and you will understand why He will not remove the gold from the crucible until all the dross has gone, and you are taking the glorious shape of your true self which His eye alone has foreseen.

You cannot eat honey all the day.  Nor can you read this book through at a sitting.  But you can read it every day, and several times a day.

It can be turned to in the heat of a sudden crisis, and when you put it down you will find yourself calm and at peace within.

You can open its pages when the birds are singing in the sunshine; and as you read, the song of the birds will be echoed in your spirit, for you too will be caroling your love for our Creator-Redeemer.

Put this book of “Daily Power” in your pocket, in your handbag, on the table by your bedside.  Give a copy of it to your friends.

Inhale its spirit continually and live your life in its intimacy with The Master.

Through this message, which came to two lonely women, you will find that you are no longer one and alone, but two and united with the Great Companion and Guide, Who is the same yesterday, today, and for ever.


Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. 
Jude 1:24-25





you can visit the book’s site through this link

it’s a very blessed work , it is changing my life, hope it change your lives too

God bless

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Welcome Home

Jesus wants to embrace you

Jesus wants to embrace you

hey there, this post is about being lost and found, i have been lost for a long time, you know, when you start to ask yourself , why i am here, why do i exsist , and you feel that nothing gives this answer , nothing satisfies , and your life turn to hell by then : ) , well that is what was happening to me , i search for something that gives me a meaning, but i have done so many things but  i didn’t feel satisfied, the only answer that gives a meaning to my existence was God, i figured it out, God created man so that he lives in his presence and enjoy it, i tried to reach God in so many ways, but didn’t work, because i was wrong, i didn’t hear God’s knock on my door, and when i heared it i ignored it and said to myself  no , this is not going to get me closer to God, that brought me down more and more, then finally when i surrendered to God, and decided that i leave myself to him , i told him , do whatever you want to me, i will believe you , it’s in your hands now , because my was didn’t work ,and i am out of them, when i reached that decision or that fact, then when God knocked i opened and he entered my life, and told me so many things, and no my life has changed 180 degrees , i am enjoying it now, in the bad and good times as well : )

so i would like to share this experience with you, because you maybe in the same situation , or you may need God as much as i do : )



it’s not enough, the life i own
it isn’t tough,but i am far away from home

much is given to me, nothing’s pure to satisfy
what can’t i see, what’s missed by my eye

i tried everythin , from the black to the white
even enjoyed my sin, and losing my sight
traveled through the world in my mind
searched for satisfaction i can’t find
& didn’t know , what should be left behind
writing my fears through every night
spending hours thinking of what can give me the might
but even my teares weren’t that bright

tried to reach God , but it never worked
he was the only one who ever supported

as my ways failed,as life stood still
as my world braked,as days got ill
as my words shacked, as truth to fill

Jesus showed me the way , i’m the truth and the light
revealed himself that day, i’m your father , your christ
surrender to me, and i will give you my light
believe when i say , i’m your lord your christ

i will touch you ,i’ll heal all your pain
i will forgive you, no longer you will be the same

accept me , accept my presence in you
love me, & i’ll show you what to do

I’m your savior , the one you were looking for
it’s a shame ,you nevered heared my knock on your door
but you finaly opened, no longer you will be the same as before
you were drowning in a sea, it’s the time to take you to the shore

you were right, satisfaction is only through me
only through my light you can really see
trust me, you will enjoy what life is goint to be
in the valley of the shadow of death i’m holding your hand
in the face of sin’s temptation , now you will stand

stick to me and i’ll give you the heaven on earth
i’m the life and the way, who believes in me will never see the death

you are my son, welcome now home
carved on my hands, welcome your new dawn

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Jesus Loves Me Whoever I am

“God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, ''I love you.''”

“God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, I Love You "

HI, this is a poem i wrote , since i wanted to share with all the people the truth that Jesus loves every one of us, and this is what i personaly experienced and still, because at first i thought that , Jesus loves the dudes who love him only , or who obey him only, but i found that through the bible , Jesus always wanted to help and to save the people who didn’t knew him and the people who were buried by sins, he said that he came for the sinners, and he came to save them not to condemn or to punish them, he loves everyone , even those who don’t know him , because he is God and we are his handmade : )

so whoever you are, know that Jesus loves you and he wants  you to feel his love , and to enjoy his presence , promises in your life,  this is why man was created, he was created so that he enjoy being in the presence of God.

hope you like it : )    .



sometimes nights are darker than the black
it feels I’m carrying the whole world on my back

why there’s no place for my tired head
why do i have to move on , why do i have to pretend

find me a solace to feel
give me a fact that can heal

draw a smile on my lonely face
why pain is my destiny i embrace

where’s the answer where’s the cure
where’s the love that’s so pure

i search  for love in so many eyes
some are true some are full of lies
but nothing ever satisfies

what’s the love that’s between the trees
what’s the love that’s moving the seas

what’s the love i smell in the air
there’s that love , i know it’s somewhere

poets wrote thousands of words searching for love
didn’t knew a fact that it only comes from above

it’s a heavenly love that made the world
that gave birth to a life by only one word


it’s like the rain , falling from the sky
surrounds and covers whover am i
it feels, shares, and hears every sigh
it’s a pure truth that no one can deny

Jesus loves you whoever you are
whether you are near whether you are far
with a smile on your face or having a scar
in love with the moon or dancing with a star

i am a sinner ,an abuser i’m a crying eye
“jesus doesn’t love me” is a pure lie

I am the one he died for
he died for me and nothing more

and if i was the last person standing on earth
he would have done it , to save me from death

he loves me, even if i don’t know
he wants my heart to be whiter than snow

whoever i am , whatever is my name
Jesus loves me, he wants to save my pain

he’s the answer for all your why’s
he’s the one who hear your cries

he’s the answer for every question
he’s your father, he’s your protection

give him a chance for his love to reveal
you will know it’s pure, you will know it’s real
say good bye to all your fears
because he is your God & he is so real

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