Posts Tagged jesus my savior

Jesus Loves Me Whoever I am

“God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, ''I love you.''”

“God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, I Love You "

HI, this is a poem i wrote , since i wanted to share with all the people the truth that Jesus loves every one of us, and this is what i personaly experienced and still, because at first i thought that , Jesus loves the dudes who love him only , or who obey him only, but i found that through the bible , Jesus always wanted to help and to save the people who didn’t knew him and the people who were buried by sins, he said that he came for the sinners, and he came to save them not to condemn or to punish them, he loves everyone , even those who don’t know him , because he is God and we are his handmade : )

so whoever you are, know that Jesus loves you and he wants  you to feel his love , and to enjoy his presence , promises in your life,  this is why man was created, he was created so that he enjoy being in the presence of God.

hope you like it : )    .



sometimes nights are darker than the black
it feels I’m carrying the whole world on my back

why there’s no place for my tired head
why do i have to move on , why do i have to pretend

find me a solace to feel
give me a fact that can heal

draw a smile on my lonely face
why pain is my destiny i embrace

where’s the answer where’s the cure
where’s the love that’s so pure

i search  for love in so many eyes
some are true some are full of lies
but nothing ever satisfies

what’s the love that’s between the trees
what’s the love that’s moving the seas

what’s the love i smell in the air
there’s that love , i know it’s somewhere

poets wrote thousands of words searching for love
didn’t knew a fact that it only comes from above

it’s a heavenly love that made the world
that gave birth to a life by only one word


it’s like the rain , falling from the sky
surrounds and covers whover am i
it feels, shares, and hears every sigh
it’s a pure truth that no one can deny

Jesus loves you whoever you are
whether you are near whether you are far
with a smile on your face or having a scar
in love with the moon or dancing with a star

i am a sinner ,an abuser i’m a crying eye
“jesus doesn’t love me” is a pure lie

I am the one he died for
he died for me and nothing more

and if i was the last person standing on earth
he would have done it , to save me from death

he loves me, even if i don’t know
he wants my heart to be whiter than snow

whoever i am , whatever is my name
Jesus loves me, he wants to save my pain

he’s the answer for all your why’s
he’s the one who hear your cries

he’s the answer for every question
he’s your father, he’s your protection

give him a chance for his love to reveal
you will know it’s pure, you will know it’s real
say good bye to all your fears
because he is your God & he is so real

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