Posts Tagged prayer lesson

How to pray

Praying to God is a very important thing in your relationship with him ,prayer is the link or the line of contact , prayer is the moments when you touch God, when you  talk to him , when you open up your heart to him , and when you hear his voice, hear his advices, hear his  love, hear his answers for your questions, quiet time is the time you touch God, there is a way  i was taught at the church, on how to pray to God,

i must open up to God, i should ask him to teach me how to pray, prayer is not only talk, it’s feelings that maybe can’ be expressed by words, Prayer gives you the strength , gives you the healing, and it gives you God,

open up to God , open up your heart to him ,your thoughts, your fears, your doubts, your pains, your weakness, your hopes, your hurts, everything, you can cry to God, it’s not weakness it’s an expression of deep feelings, Jesus loves you and he wants to embrace you.

and if you can’t find words to say to jesus, tell him give me those words, teach me to express my feelings, and my needs, let me see myself as you see me, teach me how to pray.

the psalms are a very beautiful prayers to God,

in psalms 4 David says

 1 Answer me when I call to you,
       O my righteous God.
       Give me relief from my distress;
       be merciful to me and hear my prayer.

 2 How long, O men, will you turn my glory into shame  ?
       How long will you love delusions and seek false gods  ?

 3 Know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself;
       the LORD will hear when I call to him.

 4 In your anger do not sin;
       when you are on your beds,
       search your hearts and be silent.

this is a part of the psalm, don’t just say those words without feelings, or without understanding, take the words from David’s mouth and say them from your heart, at the start he says

Answer me when I call to you,
       O my righteous God.
       Give me relief from my distress;
       be merciful to me and hear my prayer. 

you can say, Jesus, i want you to answer me , i want you to hear my call and reply me back, i want to hear your answer, God you are righteous, your are loving, you are pure, I am stressed, and i need your help, i am facing difficulities and i want your help, i know you can relief me from my distress, if i don’t have enough faith   , then grant it to me, give me your faith, God you are merciful , you are the one who loved me so that you died on the cross, hear my prayer, give me your peace .

 this is an example of how i and you can feel the words, just take every of the phrase and think about it, give it the space in your heart, give yourself the space to feel ,and you will find yourself expressing your feelings, the prayer of your heart, you will find God opening up your eyes, you will enjoy praying, you will enjoy being in the presence of God, and touching him, you will be able to see your needs, you will love God more and more

you can say everything in your mind and heart honestly to God

like  2 How long, O men, will you turn my glory into shame  ?
       How long will you love delusions and seek false gods  ?

say , jesus , many times i ruin myself, i turn the glory .the good gifts, the pure soul you gave to me into shame, i ruin my good work, Jesus i am asking you to help me, how more i am going to love the wrong ones, the wrong places, to love sin, to seek the false gods, (those gods in my life sometimes are money,lust, fame,sin, so here you can say your own fasle gods) here God is letting you see your false gods, your sins, the bad things that God doesn’t want them to be more longer in you.



You can feel the words and say it your way, what i wrote was my prayers, the words of God , those psalms, are dynamic, this is not the only way you can pray using psalms, it’s just a way, and you are going to express the  feelings of yours, not like me at all , you will find meanings and message from God specially to you, that are different from mine.

Jesus loves you , and if you ask him , he will teach you, because he wants and loves to.

jesus will give you the peace , the joy,the rest, the consolation, jesus will draw a smile on your face, you will no longer be alone with him, tell jesus about your work, your love, your car, everything, but remember tell him i want you , because Jessus is the real joy ,rest ,love and friend,

God bless you

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