Posts Tagged why are we here

Believe me

why are we here, what are we living for, wasting days in nothing, all what you do worth a null , so what’s the use, what controls you , what gives a meaning to yourday, what’s the point you are seeking in  yourlife, i guess that anyone should focus on what is going to give his life a meaning, don’t lose focus because of work and so,

what gives a meaning to my life is God, and I am trying to keep him infront of me, i pray , i want his help.

this poem maybe gives you a different feeling than what i meant , but anyway , hope it helps : )

God bless

belive me
believe me now
there are words i have never used
and some thoughts were never  refused
some glasses are broken by emptiness
and eyelashes are hidden by blakness

many faces are saving their smiles
for an end of a way that lasts for miles

there are hands never  fixed the  broken
and lips with the truth  never spoken

some hide under the fallen walls
escape the sky by closing doors

enjoy the others  fake lives
taking them as real covers

who are you , what do you stand for
what are you doin right now , what are you living for

if you look in the mirror what are you going to see
a standing  life or a broken tree

for our lives we are wasting  with falling tears
trapped in each moment by growing fears

break your boundaries, get out of yourself
who is your God ?
a one you can touch , or just a book on the shelf
what’s your solace , who is yourself ?


when you come to this point, when you realize, that you are doing nothing, a useless soul, when you know who you are, how weak and shallow, when you break down, when you fall,when you believe that you are living a wrong life. that you are dead  and you are not alive. surrender to christ, call him to raise you up, to start a new life with him, where he is your leader, he is your father and he is your teacher, you will taste victory and he will give you a life that  you will really enjoy.

john 11:25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, even though he dies, will live”.

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